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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Metal Pedals Black Gravity Stomp Box ... (Review)

Reviewed By: Jac Harrison
Purchased from: Manufacture
Street Price: $175.00 USD

Metal Pedals Black Gravity Stomp Box. Metal Pedals are hand crafted in Robbinsville New Jersey USA using the highest quality of materials, custom boards, point to point component placement and 22 gauge wiring. 

Ease of Use: It's incredibly easy to use, but most stompboxes are . Three controls - volume, tone, & gain. The volume adjusts your output volume, the tone knob controls sound balance & gain is the amount of overdrive. 

I used a hand-built archtop with 1960 Gibson PAF's (not reissues) through my Vox Pathfinder 15r. The pedal did what is was designed to do. I found I liked the tone at 1 o'clock and gain at 3 o'clock; but that's just me. It has a unique sound and the only way I can explain it is vintage. Kinda like an under wound p-90; it sounds like it has some age to it. 

It is a well built pedal that I would have confidence in using in the studio and on the road. I felt like it was a good example of a blues and American rock & roll pedal. 

My advice:
I would add this to my pedal board. It is 100 times better than my TS9, and it is dam close to my TS808 "KEELEY" MOD.

Metal Pedals
2 North Commerce Sq. Suite 304
Robbinsville, NJ 08691

Posted 04/2012